Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Wedding Sampler

I was not going to stitch a wedding sampler but after we made some renovations in our bedroom we thought that we needed a picture for above the chest of drawers. And the picture must be neither too big nor too small, it can be square or sideways rectangular and ... . So I looked through all my stash and found Bucilla wedding sampler, I do not even remember how it made its way into my stash! But it was not a bad find! I substitued some colors of floss and beads, charted new words for its center. After the personification I like the sampler, my husband likes it too. Now he is glueing the frame for the sampler: we could not find the frame we liked and we decided we would make one ourselves.

I have some more finishes to show today.
So many bloggers stitched "Petites Lettres Rouges" sampler which Alma Allen, Blackbird Designs, offered free on her site. I especially liked the idea of dedicating the work to loved ones. I dedicated the sampler to my mother, made it into a sewing organizer and there I will be keeping some of the tools that my mother gave me. I stitched the sampler one over one and it is rather small but I turned it into a big piece - an organizer with many folds, pockets and other hiding places for notions, floss and charts. I hope it is convenient for trips, it can fit all necessary things for a few small project. I stitched a couple of hearts, it's clear what they symbolize and I stitched a bird - not very much sure what birds mean in samplers, probably, happiness or something else good, right? Anyway, my mother likes birds. And here is the organizer:
One more finish is "Rose", freeby by Niky from Niky's creations. This sweet design is also stitched one over one and I made it into a much smaller organizer ( for shorter trips ;-)) ).
Here I put my initials in the upper coner in front and stitched the funny bird on the back.
Here is the organizer inside and also beaded fobs made for the scissors for both organizers: I finished one more ornament for "Stitching for a Cure" project. It's Breast Cancer Awareness free design by Romy in Austria, Traditions with a Future.
Lia from Brazil and Mylene from the Netherlands stitched my design "A Russian Motif, Spring" and send me pictures of their lovely works. Lia made her ever first pinkeep and Mylene stitched 3 !!!biscornus:

Thank you dear friends for your wonderful work, I am pleased and honored to see my designs stitched by you. Huge hugs to both of you.
And at last some pictures from our garden (for those who are still here):

Does it look like a duck?
Thank you for stopping by, your comments are always treasured and appreciated. :-)
Have a great Sunday and happy stitching!


Diane (di) said...

Oh my goodness Olenka, everything is just beautiful. Your wedding sampler is sooo elegant... gorgeous stitching as usual!!

Natasha-ND said...

Ого, сколько у тебя хороших новостей!!!
Очень нежный свадебный сэмплер! А органайзер - это вообще выше всех похвал! Столько кропотливой работы, особенно сборка всего изделия - это надо иметь ну просто олимпийское спокойствие и невероятную усидчивость! Браво, Оля! И это всё сделано при таком количестве хлопот-забот! Сад-огород у вас знатный, персик медовый такой и огурцы - НАСТОЯЩИЕ!!!!

klear said...

Потрясающе! Семплер получился очень красивым , нежным. Молодец!

Suburban Stitcher said...

Whoa! Lots of beautiful projects and finishes! Great job!

Maria Filomena said...

beatiful works......
abraços de Maria Filomena

Natasha said...

Очень привлекает ваш Блог! Нравятся работы красотой и аккуратностью!

Casa Cuori Colori said...

Dear Olenka, it's always a pleasure to see your beatiful works: they are fine, delightful...! Hugs, Claudia

All things beautiful said...

Wow, you have been busy :-) Love everything you did, especially the needlework organizers. Great job Olga!

gazette94 said...

What a lovely wedding sampler . I love it, Congratulations for the sewing organizer, what a clever idea !!
Have a good sunday , Olga..

Donna said...

I love your wedding sampler and your stitching kit. And of course, I love your ornament for the stitching for a cure project!

siesta said...

Хи-хи, щас мы нахихикаимся над картошкой с пузом биременным!! А на пузе пуууупчик!!!! Ой нимагу-нимагуууу!!!! :)))))))))
О! А теперь примите от нас кучу комплименов: работы - просто загляденье, прямо глаз не оторвать!!!

Annie said...

You've been busy. Some many beautiful things. The wedding sampler will look beautiful on your wall. And those organizers are so perfect for traveling with projects.

Patricia Lessell said...

Olenka, Everything is just absolutely gorgeous as per usual. Lots of Love Patti xxx

Mylene said...

The wedding sampler is simply beautiful.
wow! the needleworks organizers were perfectly finished.
I like Lia's idea too...into a pinkeep, it's lovely.
The second picture of the garden, is that a sweet potato?

Felicity said...

Your wedding sampler is very pretty, Olga. Everything is beautiful!

Sally said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing Olga.

Sammy & Emilie said...

Goodness, you've been very busy (you put me to shame!)
I particularly love your stitching organizer. It's so pretty and such a lovely idea.
Take care XXX

Terry said...

Your stitching is beautiful! I love the colors on the wedding sampler. Be sure to post a pic of it in the frame as I'd love to see what you all came up with for it.

hohla said...

Оль! Как красиво и нежно!!!

Yoyo said...

Your wedding sampler is beautiful! I really like what you did with the Blackbird piece, I've had a hard time envisioning what it would look good as, you found a way to make this design 'real' for me. Romy's ornament is lovely too.

Nancy said...

Such a beautiful sampler, and I'm sure it must be sentimental too.

I love your Petite Lettres Rouge, and both organizers are just beautiful!

What a fantastic garden you have! Nothing like fresh fruit and vegetables. Yes, the potato looks like a duck or maybe a submarine!

L'Aiguille au Fil du Temps said...

Tu nous montres beaucoup de belles choses, ce sampler est très réussi !
J'aime beaucoup la pochette aussi.

Andrea said...

Love the wedding sampler, such pretty colours. Your 2 organisers are lovely too.

Lia said...

Hi Olga

Your wedding sampler is just wonderfull!!! Congratulations!!!
Thank you for post my pic! You are so great!!!
Your brazilian friend

Olga said...

amazing work as always, its always a pleasure to visit your blog, thank you for sharing with us all the beautiful stitching :o)
luv from olga. (uk)

Moreen said...

Love all your gorgeous stitching. I too have made the Petites Lettres Rouges into a needle book.
Yours is looking beautiful.
Love visiting your blog

Sharon said...

Stunning works as usual! I have such a hard time trying to decide which I love the most!

Malele said...

your sewing organizer is very nice and the weeding sampler is so elegant congratulations for all and also for the garden !

Brigitte said...

Your new wedding sampler is so elegant. And I love the sewing organizer that you stitched and finished for your mother. Whata creative finishing.

Maren said...

I LOVE your wedding sampler. That is just too pretty.

lol, I actually was thinking "Hey, that potato looks like a duck!" before I continued reading. Great minds... My husband loves gardening, but it's just not in the cards this year.

Carla said...

"Not bad"? You found a gorgeous wedding sampler in your stash! It is really, really so fine! The colors are perfect and the flowers are quite delicate. I have no doubt that this will be one of the most precious pieces at your renovated room.

I loved your idea of converting the "Petites Lettres Rouges" sampler into a organizer. It became an interesting piece and very useful. The inside is precious, you have chosen beautiful ribbons, laces and fabric.

"Rose" is also beautiful and very handy. You know, after seeing these two beautiful organizers, a little bug started to say inside my mind: "Shame on you, Carla, that don't have even one little organizer, meanwhile Olenka, with great talent, made herself two of them!"


Let me see... I loved the ornament with the pink ribbons for the breast cancer awareness; I recognized Lia's pinkeeper with your pattern (shame on me, again, that had to leave aside your pattern that I bought), loved your BIG garden (wow!) and had my mouth watered by the delicious peach in the last photo. hihihi...

Wendy said...

That is a lovely wedding sampler you made!!

Love your other stitching too. you did a wonderful job on it.

Hazel said...

Absolutely stunning pics! Your wedding sampler is beautiufl as is your needlebook. x

Dani - tkdchick said...

Olenka, that wedding sampler is gorgeous and perfect! Not too big or over the top.

Actually everything you've done is fantastic and wonderfully finished!

nelly said...

voilà un blog superbe!

Jackie said...

I love your works, they are so beuatiful !

Casa Cuori Colori said...

Dear Olenka, on my blog you'll find something for you!

bili said...

Красивая книжечка.

Pumpkin said...

Boy Olga, you have been one busy gal!!!! Your storage pieces are to die for. So lovely and well done :o)

It must be so nice to see others stitching your creations.

You have peaches???? Yum!