Well, I have a number of finishes to show to you tonight. It's hard to decide what to begin with, maybe with my favorite designer, Just Nan.
I finished stitching "Peace" by Just Nan and already had it framed. I only forgot to take some pictures of the sampler before framing.

Another design which is called "Christmas Rose" was finished a little while ago but if you look at the pictures attentively, you will notice that these two designs have the same roses and snowflakes - they are good companions. So now they are together:
And I also want to show you some of my new designs which I finished a couple of days ago. I continued working on "Christmas Ornaments"and created two more designs which were made into a box top and an Icicle ornament.
"Love" Box Top:
And here is the White Snowflake ornament :
Both Snowflake ornaments:
Which of the snowflakes looks better? I really do not know, they are like kids for me - I love them both. :-))
If you are interested in buying any of my designs, send me an e-mail please. My e-mail address is in my Profile. Thank you.
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I was asked if biscornus are my favorite smalls.
- Well, I like them but they are not my favorites. I will, probably, make my next post about my favorite smalls. :-)
Stay tuned!
Thank you everyone for interesting comments, special thank you for the new readers who commented on my works. I really appreciate this.
Happy stitching to everyone!