Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Biscornus and more

Thank you so much for those who stopped by and left comments on my "NOEL Ornaments" and sent me e-mails. It is so interesting to read your messages, they are so inspiring! I did not have much time for visiting blogs - sorry. But I will keep up with reading your blogs and visiting blogs of my new visitors during the next two days.
A special thank you for those who bought my designs. I do hope you enjoy stitching them.
* * * * * * Today I will show you some more Christmas projects which I designed and have been working on for the last two weeks. My husbands wants me to write that he has been helping me very hard :-). He sure has :-). My dear husband is my first and very strict critic, he also has a title of my personal artistic adviser.
Here is the picture of some projects which I stitched up:
The projects belong to two themes: "Love" and "Hearts & Snowflakes". These designs differ in style from "NOEL Ornaments". Besides, there are a few specialty stitches in the new designs, and I used DMC Precious Metal Effects and some Mill Hill beads to add some sparkle to the projects.
Here are some pictures of "Love" Biscornu:
I also made this pattern into an ornament and I have already sent it off to one of my friends:I also made a design for an Icicle ornament in this theme but did not have enough time to stitch it. I will do it later because I think these icicles look great on a Christmas tree.
And here are pictures of "Hearts & Snowflakes" Biscornu:

"Hearts & Snowflakes" Icicle ornament, its top and bottom views:I enjoyed working on these themes: these vibrant colors do create a Christmas spirit, don't they?

* * * * * *
If you are interested in buying any of my designs, send me an e-mail please.
My address is in my profile.

Happy & Merry stitching to everyone!


Natasha-ND said...

Оля, как же ты прекрасно провела эти две недели! И какой замечательный помощник твой муж. Он действительно заинтересован тем, что ты делаешь и полностью поддерживает тебя. Это дорогого стОит! Передавай ему мой большой респект! Видимо, бискорню - твой фаворит в малых формах, и они действительно замечательно получаются у тебя! Желаю тебе удачи и успеха в дальнейшем творчестве!

Anonymous said...

I ADORE the snowflake and am intrested in purchasing it. I'll e-mail you for details.


staci said...


hohla said...

Олечка! Какие вы с мужем молодцы! Бискорню замечательные!!! Праздничные и романтичные!!! Браво!

Tatyana (tookie) said...

Дизайны просто великолепные получились! Какие елочки нарядные! И пендибульчик уж ооочень понравился! Как здорово, что муж поддерживает, а не просто терпит Ваше хобби)) Без него дизайны не были бы столь наполнены любовью ;)

Dovilė said...

amazing christmas decorations! they looks so elegant and festive.

Яна - Любимые крестики said...

Оля, у тебя всегда такие красивые бискорнюшки и вообще кривульки! Каждый раз восхищаюсь!

L'Aiguille au Fil du Temps said...

Très joli et bien dans l'esprit de Noël, j'aime beaucoup !

Mylene said...

I can only say WOW!! All your finishing looks gorgeous. I really envy your finishing techniques so beautifully done!

Sally said...

I love these! They are so beautiful. I especially like the snowflake one so I may be emailing you!

Olga said...

oh my gosh olga!! you amaze me all the time! im speachless!! your work is so pretty, there are no words to describe them, will email soon :o)
luv from olga (uk)

Annie said...

These are beautiful designs and your workmanship is so perfect! I'm not sure whether having a husband as 'artistic adviser' is a a good thing or not. I hope it's good for you!

Susimac said...

Beautiful and elegant I especially love the ornament.

gazette94 said...

It such a lovely set, congratulations Olga !! you made a wonderful work !!

Carol said...

Olga - they are all sooooo lovely!

Loreta said...

Wow! Olga, they are so beautiful! I love all of them:)

Sammy & Emilie said...

They're absolutely splendid, Olga. They're very delicate, and I particularly love your snowflake design that's truly stunning!!! Bravo indeed!!!

Andrea said...

Beautiful work.

Nicola said...

Olga, is there no end to your talent. They are all just beautiful!!!!!

Cindy F. said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! They are all absolutely beautiful!!! I'll be in touch via email!

siesta said...

Зис бьютифул ворк 105-процентОвый амацинг!!!
Сиеста сичас ещё сраничку в Гуглик загонит и почитаит, чиво там у тебя за муж такой распрекрасненький, что дамочки наши млеют!! Щас :)))

siesta said...

О! Муж как муж, а кому ещё вдохновлять, как не мужу, спрашивают :)), но какое открытие Сиеста с Гугликом сделала!!! Ты схемки делаешь!!! Тоже попробовать хочу! Сейчас мы с Гугликом тебе напишем! :))

Donna said...

Your finishing is flawless. Absolutely beautiful work.

Sharon said...

They look amazing!

Joana said...

These wonderful biscornus. Beautiful, richly embroidered and perfect. True works of art. Congratulations. Kisses

Pumpkin said...

OH WOW! You have blown me away AGAIN Olga! Such lovely patterns and your stitching is just amazing :o)

Casa Cuori Colori said...

Very, very precious this biscornus...gorgeous!!! Claudia

Solstitches said...

How very lovely your ornaments are! Gorgeous designs and so beautifully finished.
You are very talented.


Adriana R. said...

Olga, son todos hermosos!!
Me encanta la forma de trabajar que tienes, cuánta habilidad!!
Besos y abrazos

Nana said...

Beautiful designs, beautiful finishes.
You are very talented..
Hope to get one soon.. Maybe the "Love" or "Hearts and Snowflakes" though all of them are great.. lol


Carla said...

Gorgeous designs Olga!!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

You're coming up with some gorgeous stuff! Wow!

Just the opinion of an opinionated stitcher... can't stand the DMC metallic fibers they are such a pain to stitch with. Have you thought of using just Kreinik #4 braid or even trying Rainbow Galleries Petite Treasure Braid? Now that's a treat to work with!

Olga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Felicity said...

Very bright! I think your stitching is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

sono bellissimi, posso lasciarti i miei commenti in italiano?
Baci Marta

Wendy said...


Very nice things you are making!!!! I also love to do cross stitching, but also some other crafts, any kind of creative things. I live in Belgium and I will visit your blog again.

Greetings from Belgium,

Shay said...

Hi, I've never seen such beautiful biscornus, ornaments and fobs. Where do you get your patterns from???? I'd love to know your source. I am interested in getting some.

Olga said...

Hi Shay,
I tried to send you e-mails several times but they all came back - something is wrong with your e-mail address.
Send me an e-mail( in my Profile) and I will answer your questions.

All things beautiful said...

Really pretty. You are really creative and I love visiting your site. Thanks for sharing.

dany said...

Ces décorations sont merveilleuses !
Joyeux noël Olga et gros bisous

Hazel said...

They are all very beautiful. xx

Ruth said...

Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on some simply stunning ornies.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I love your Xmas ornaments, they look very precious, not sure I would be able to perform such brilliant finish. Do you supply instructions ?

Olga said...

Hi Valie,
Instructions on assembling, finishing and sometimes some tips on cross stitching are included with the charts. Besides, you can always write to me to ask for advice, I will be happy to help you. :-)Have a try!
Happy Stitching,
Olenka's Stitches