Saturday, February 14, 2009

St Valentine's Stitching

I hope everyone is having a wonderful St. Valentine's Day.

Today I will not write too much, I will just show you pictures of my new St. Valentine designs.
I made a sewing set called "Hearts" which includes: a pincusion, a triangle scissors case, a scissors fob, a scissors stand and last but not least a biscornu.
If you are interested in buying any of my designs, contact me, please. My address is in my Profile. Thank you.
And I'd like to show you some more pictures of my daffodils. I have a variety of them in colors, sized and forms and love them all!
Some more little flowers in St. Valentine's colors:
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In my previous post I showed a doll from my doll collection. My friend Passione vera, who is also interested in dolls, has a nice collection of lovely dolls, you can go and have a look at them here: . Today one more doll, Irene or Irishka (Иришка) in Russian, is sending her hello and love to her little friends in Italy.
Unfortunately, I do not know anything about this doll. But I love her even if she does not have any papers, she is pretty , isn't she?
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I also want to thank Yana from for giving me an award. I am so sorry that I can't pass it to 5 bloggers because I love much more blogs - look at my list of favorite blogs! It would be too stressful to choose only 5 of them, so I am passing it to everyone!
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I want to thank all my friends who left comments on my work, sent e-mails to me. Thank you very much for your kind words and precious advice. I really appreciate this!
I also want to say that in a few days my mother is having her 80-year anniversary, so the next post will be devoted to her. Stay tuned!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!


Donna said...

Beautiful stitching! And I love your daffodils. Did you see my earlier post of my pics of daffodils? I just love them. I think they just shout sunshine!

Yoyo said...

Beautiful sewing set, I love adding the scissors stand, unique. I'm jealous, we will not have daffodils for at least another month, sigh.

Nina said...

Beautiful collection!!
I also like your flowers ;)

Mylene said...

WOW! I just LOVE them. They are gorgeous.

Beautiful blooming flowers too.

hohla said...

Оля! Какая красивая коллекция!!! Очень понравилась, Очень!!!

Anonymous said...

Que de jolies broderies !
Je t'embrasse et te souhaite un bon dimanche

Natasha-ND said...

Олечка, ну ты не перстаёшь удивлять! Такой чудесный наборчик сделала! Знаешь, а мне очень понравилось твоё решение needleroll - закрыть его пуговкой. Так славно получилось! Куколки ваши со Светланой Васильевной возвращают в детство....правда, у меня не было кукол, один старый пупс, доставшийся мне от старшей сестры, но...эх, не доиграла я, наверно :о))).
Но вот чудеса природы и разных климатических зон! У нас уже тоже иногда можно найти один-два крокуса, тюльпанчик, одинокий нарцисс. Но до такого цыветения ещё далеко, конечно. Спасибо за весеннее настроение! И с прошедшим тебя праздником!

gazette94 said...

I wish you lot of success with this new Valentine set, it is so lovely ! I love Daffodils, it make such a spring colors in the gardens !

Brigitte said...

What a beautiful sewing set! And everything so beautifully finsihed!

I can't believe that there are daffodils where you live. That's spring. Incredible for me as we were having snow every morning the past week. Enjoy your wonderful flowers.

L'Aiguille au Fil du Temps said...

Très joli, ton nécessaire de brodeuse... Ici il y a de la neige et les jonquilles n'ont pas encore montré le bout de leurs feuilles !
J'aime beaucoup ta poupée, je vais aller visiter le blog que tu indiques.
Bonne fin de dimanche

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow! What a gorgeous set!

Dovilė said...

beautiful collection in red:)

Irene said...

Beautiful sitching, lovely daffidols and great doll, love her name :)

Pumpkin said...

Stunning! You finishing is just perfection Olga :o)

Sigh! Those flowers sure brighten my day :o) I know spring IS coming but just not fast enough. LOL!

Happy Birthday to your mother!

Annie said...

Gorgeous stitching as usual!

And I love that beautiful doll. I'm a sucker for gorgeous dolls like that.

Hope your Valentine's Day was the sweetest!

Cindy F. said...

WOW Olga!! Your designs and finishes are amazing!!
and beautiful pics of your flowers:) I can't wait for Spring!
How exciting your mother is going to be 80 years young!! WOOHOO!!
That is wonderful:)

siesta said...

Совершенно элегантный набор!! Комплименты!!

Ванечка зарделся, велел сватов засылать!!! Предлагает Иришке свою руку и сердце!! Обещает выполнять любой её каприз безоговорочно 3 года, 3 месяца и 3 дня!! Ждёт ответа и ногти покусывает нервенно :)))

Carla said...

Some valentine'set, huh, Olenka! I loved every piece of it. This was a colorful and beautiful post, with your nice handwork, the daffodils (I just love them!) and the pretty doll. Daffodils aren't easy to have here in Brazil. They grow just at some controlled environment. Fortunately, cross stitch can "grow" everywhere, in spite of the climate.

Now, I'll try (with some Google translator help, of course. *lol*) something in Russian, like you tryed in Portuguese:

Поздравляем с вашей матерью в 80 лет! Это очень красивый возраст!

I hope it made some sense... With online translators, we never know... hahaha!

All things beautiful said...

That's one adorable doll you have there. Love your Valentine set too, esp the pin cushion - too cute :-)

Sharon said...

That set is just amazing! So gorgeous!

Tia Glória said...

Os seus trabalhos são lindos

Anonymous said...

hello! beautiful things that you do! you like dolls? also we are popping the daffodils are just born ... comes the spring! Mauri

Sammy & Emilie said...

Oh, another very beautiful collection!!! You're so talented!!!
All the best XXX

Anonymous said...

so nice I love this set it's so beautiful

eliane said...

tres belle realisations ,j'adore tout c'est magnifique!!