I want to thank you for your comments on my works and e-mails you sent to me. I read all the comments very attentively because your opinion is very important to me. And a great thank you for those who bought my designs, I am very pleased to know that you enjoy stitching my designs.
Today I will show you my new design and some pictures of one of my designs stitched by Sally.
Let's start with a new design first.
Lately I read some history and legends about the origin of St. Valentine's Day, so sweet and pretty stories. It is said that red and white colors are symbolic colors of St. Valentine's Day, red means passion and white - purity. After reading all these stories I got an idea to make a design for a biscornu called"Purity & Passion".
Here it is its front:
and its back:
And here are some wonderful pictures which Sally sent to me. She stitched two designs "Hearts and Snowflakes" Biscornu and Icicle ornament. In the picture you can see how pretty her stitching and finishing are! I was pleased to learn that she enjoyed stitching my designs and like the result. Sally, thank you for the pictures and your great job.
If you want to see more pictures of my designs and other Sally's fabulous pieces, will you visit http://stitchingplace.blogspot.com/.

If you are interested in buying any of my designs, send me an e-mail. My address is in the Profile.
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For those who are still here I will show an ornament which I finished this month. I found it in the book "100 Cross-stitch Christmas Ornaments", the design is called "Gilded Noel". I like how it turned out and will probably make another one for myself : this ornament was already presented to one of our friends.

These days I have been busy organizing and decorating my stitching room. Here is the picture of a shelf with some of my collectible pincushions and dolls.
The doll in the blue dress is Lucinda by Madame Alexander. She already has "friends", Marsha and Lizan'ka, in Italy and she is sending "Hello" to them ;-)). The other doll, the clown, is of unknown origin, I know neither its name nor the name of the designer. :-( I am still "playing" with my dolls trying to find out their names and trying to bring them in order.
Lucinda and her umbrella:(For those who are interested in making an umbrella,I do not think it is hard to do the umbrella for a doll, look at the picture.)
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I also want to thank Donna for an award she gave me, it's a great honor to get it from this wonderful woman.
Do you remember Donna is organizing an ornament auction to help cancer patients? You still have time to join her group and make a few ornaments for this noble deed. Thank you Donna for doing this for us.
Have a nice weekend and happy stitching to everyone!
Олечка! Бискорню валентинка получилась чудесной, нежной. Голубая основа сглаживает краски и делает их пастельными!!!
И все остальное очень нравится!!!
Рождественские штучки замечательные , креслице с сердечком необычное!
OH, I love your new Valentine biscornu !!! It's stunning - so delicate and refined. Well done !!! Have a lovely week-end !!!
Вот это подход к делу! Всё изучить сперва, а потом уже работать. Умничка, Оленька, мне очень нравится то, что ты делаешь. Очень нежные дизайны!
Olga, I love your new design. It is so pretty.
Your Christmas ornament is beautiful.
I must send you a picture of the icicle ornament if you'd like one. I forgot about sending one.
Wow, I think your Purity and Passion biscornu is stunning! Another fabulous design. Your Noel ornament is beautiful and I love your shelf with the doll and the teapot caught me eye too :)
Сиеста спешит выразить свои восторги по поводу создания прелестной валентиночки, очаровательного пинкипчика-подвесочки и передать письмо-приветствие от всего итальянского кукло-клана :))!!!
Ton biscornu de Saint-Valentin est tout simplement adorable !
Olga, your new Valentine design is beautiful and so is your gorgeous Christmas ornie!
Purity and Passion is just beautiful! And Sally does some wonderful stitching too.
The biscornus and the ornament are so beautiful!
My best friend when I was a little girl had a collection of Madame Alexander dolls. I loved to go to her house and play with those beauties.
How beautiful! I've never tried to make a biscornu before, I'm terribly afraid I'm going to muck up the actual sewing part, but your's are absolutely lovely!
Purity and Passion is gorgeous! Well done on your award. xx
Your new design is simply beautiful!
I had admired Sally's ornament on her blog. She finished it beautifully!
What a gorgeous biscornu, it so delicate , I love the colors and the perfect finish !
Congratulations to Sally for her lovely work on your pattern .
Оля, мне очень, очень нравится! У тебя всё прекрасно получается!
Olga, you have done wonders again! This colors are so gorgeous and are just perfect for this Biscornu! Have you ever thought of contacting Creative Poppy and selling your designs from them?
I love your finish! Please tell me you did not make that whole beaded trim! It's fabulous :o)
Оля, я знаю, что ты в эти игры не играешь, но я очень люблю твой блог! :)
Very beautiful and romantic design. Anyone can tell each design is filled with your passion for the craft that you must love to do. You truly have a gift.
I love the Valentine biscornu and the christmas ornament is so beautiful
Purity and Passion is such a pretty and feminine design. I love your Gilded Noel ornament - the finishing is amazing!
Wow! your new biscornu "Purity e Passion" is beautiful!
Best compliments for your blog!
I'll visit again, have a nice week,
Your Valentine biscornu is just lovely. That ornament is gorgeous, very richly finished!
Stopping by to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day weekend!
Hello, Olenka!
Long time since I had visited your blog... That's because I lost your blog address and, today, fortunately, when I was visiting my dear friend Lia from "Lia e suas artes", I saw a comment of yours. I was so happy that I could come here to visit you again! And, when I arrived, how many beautiful things I saw at your posts! It's a great pleasure to come here and see your delicate stitching and patterns.
I also have Lucinda from when I was a child! She was always my favorite doll! I am curious, did your Lucinda come with the little bunny? Mine didn't have one when I got her. It's always nice to see when someone else has something they treasure that you have too!
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