Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Wisteria" designs and more...

The last two weeks were rather hectic here , besides our Internet did not work properly - now I am behind in reading the blogs. I want to thank those who left wonderful comments on my last post, I will visit your blogs in the next couple of days.
On the stitching front - there was not much time for stitching but I have something to show to you today.
First, I worked on "Wisteria" designs more and made two "Wisteria" Scissor Fobs:

I am pleased with how the fobs turned out and it seems the biscornu looks much happier now.

I participate in Christmas Challenge and decided to make my own design for this month. Here is "Christmas Lantern" Ornament :

If you are interested in buying my designs, please send an e-mail to me. My address is in my Profile


I have not shown my progress on EMS "Rose Sampler" for a long time. I did not forget about it and keep on stitching on it from time to time.

I have not shown pictures of my dolls for a long time either. I played with two more dolls lately. Unfortunately, I do not know their designers and the names of the dolls are given by me. This one is Annabell, she got a new hair-do and new flowers for the hat and dress.

This is Monique, I also worked on her hair-do a little, still too much hair to my taste, lol

Annabell and Monique are sending "Hello" to their Italian friends from this blog .

I was asked not to post new pitures of bugs and to show more flowers. Fine with me as I do not like bugs so much either. I prepared some pictures for you, they can be called "Tears Of Spring" or "A Garden In Red And White" :-)) .

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Thank you for stopping by. Happy stitching to everyone!


Mylene said...

So perfectly finished as well as your christmas ornament, another great design. Great job!!

The EMS sampler is coming along beautifully.

Great pictures of your flowers.

Hope you have a good week.

hohla said...

Оль! Как я люблю твои вышивки!!! Wisteria нежнейшая! Очень красиво!
А фонарик - чудесный!!!
Фото цветов - так приятно было все посмотреть - красота!

Annie said...

Your stitching is lovely as ever.

What beautiful dolls! They have such nice clothes... way better than any of mine!

Hope you had a nice Mother's Day. Looks like the garden cooperated.

Sally said...

Your new designs are beautiful Olga.

Your ornament is very pretty and you are making lovely progress on the Rose Sampler.

Adriana R. said...

Como siempre HERMOSOS todos tus trabajos. DELICADOS y PERFECTOS. No me canso de visitar tu blog y admirar todos tus bordados. Aunque trato de copiar no lo logro, jajajaja. Besos

Pumpkin said...

Oh wow! I saw someone working on this pattern and it's just beautiful!

LOVE all your pretty pictures of flowers :o) We have some now so I'm not as jealous. LOL!

Hope you had a nice day yesterday :o)

Sammy & Emilie said...

Those 2 scissor fobs are stunning, just like the other 2 items in your wisteria collection. What a tasteful set!
I love the shape of your Christmas ornament, too!
You've been very busy, haven't you!
Lots of love and Happy Mother's Day XXX

siesta said...

Оленька, какая глициния роскошная, глаз не оторвать!! Как мне нравится этот семплер!! Я тоже мечтаю его вышить!
Куклы!!! Ты цветочки новенькие Анечке смастерила, да? И причесала обех по-новому? Прелесть! Прелесть!!!!! Дай поиграть! :))))
Фото цветов просто ошеломляюще хороши!

Cindy F. said...

Olga, your fobs, ornie and dolls are so beautiful! and your sampler is amazing!
Love your spring flowers:)
Have a great week:)

Natasha-ND said...

Совершенно необычный комплектик с глицинией, Оленька! И фонарик - готовь сани летом :о)! А также мне очень нравится твой выбор ниток в "розовом" сэмплере. Красота! Жучков нет? Замечательно! А как курочки-цыплятки поживают, давно ты про них не писала! Видела на блошке совершенно потрясающую куклу. То есть, я от них не фанатею, но эта красотка зацепила! Вот только смотрю, у вас они небольшие, а та мадама была сантиметров 70 росту :о(. Мне такие большие не нравятся.

Carla said...

Beautiful stitching!!

Carol R said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing.
The Christmas Lantern is lovely!
Great flower pictures too

belinda said...

Biscornu beautiful!!

gazette94 said...

Your Christmas lantern is perfect ! I love it..Visiting your blog is allways a real pleasure.

Felicity said...

I love Wisteria - and the smell of the flowers. I think your EMS rose sampler is lovely. It's on my list to do!

Loreta said...

Your works are beautiful as always! I love them!

staci said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing on your Wisteria set and your Christmas lantern!!!

All things beautiful said...

What lovely designs you create, Olga. I think the bee and butterfly adds a lovely detail to it... and I adore your Christmas lantern too (the shape is so unique). Happy stitching :-)

dany said...

Tout est superbe !
Je t'embrasse et te souhaite un beau weekend !

Casa Cuori Colori said...

Dear Olga, your stitching is beautiful, delightful!!! Many thanks also for the tender comment you left on my blog: I wish you the same!! Hug, Claudia

Anonymous said...

Very lovely design and great stitching and finishes as well.
Love all your pics.

Brigitte said...

Your new designs are terrific. And so beautifully stitched and finished. You're so talented.
I love the Rose Sampler, your progress picture is so pretty.
And your garden looks wonderful.

Carla said...

Your posts always have so many gorgeous images that I wish I lived where you live. hahaha!

This Wisteria objects are wonderful! I love purple, pink and lilac shades, so, imagine, your Wisteria project is like heaven to me. The Christmas Challenge isn't that difficult to you, my friend. You create so many wonderful designs and patterns that one more couldn't ache. hahaha! You are a genious creating patterns.

The Rose Sampler is so pretty! I love roses and those ones are beautiful, the blue shade you have chosen to them is so delicate! Could you tell me where did you buy it?

Hahaha! I loved Annabell and Monique, and when you told us that they were sending a hello to their italian friends, I almost could see them waving to the other dolls. hahaha! Annabell has such a classy expression in the eyes!

Flowers, flowers,flowers and... yummy... strawberries! As I said, so many beautiful images! You have such a lovely blog, my friend.

elina said...

You have a beautiful embroidery ... congratulations!
I love your blog

Malele said...

every thing is so lovely I should like to buy some of uour designs hom can I do ?
friendly Malélé

Anonymous said...

My favourite are the wisteria designs, so pretty <3 love them ^_^
Your strawberries are looking great! I will only have chance to plant them next year. Happy weekend for you!

Wendy said...

looks really nice I can just smell then !
You've been quite busy !