I made "Strawberries" design for Huck towels produced by Charles Craft. The idea to stitches strawberries on this kind of towels belongs to
Yoyo, she loves to stitch towels for herself and as Christmas presents for her loved ones.

I quite agree with her and
Carla that a stitched towel or a jar cover or something else
useful can be a great gift.I've already made some more designs for towels with another topic ( guess what?) because I really like how my kitchen and dining room look now with just a few stitchy things from my "Strawberries" Kitchen Set.
Back to the towel, here is a picture of it hanging on the stove:

I finished the towel with some checkered fabric and lace to make it look part of the Kitchen Set (2 towels, a bread cover, a jar cover):
If you are interested in buying any of my designs, please contact me.My e-mail is in my Profile.
I stitched some more on MW sampler, I enjoy working on this sampler so much!
I try not to think about the mistakes in the pattern, I more think how the young girl managed to make up this big sampler without a computer or any cross stitch software - it's just amazing!

I joined one more SAL, this new SAL does not have any dead lines - it is stress free. The head girl is very hospitable and the SAL group is so pleasant. Well, I am speaking of
TUSAL . Once a little glass box appeared on my stitching table and I thought that then I had to join that fun SAL and put my first floss snippets into the box. Here is what I created during the past month:

After the heat which we had this summer there are not many blooming flowers in the garden. I will show you only one flower picture, I love its color.

Today I saw a very big turtle in the garden, it was hot and the turtle was breathing so heavily. I gave her some cucumber and water and she drank some water! I've never seen them drinking before. I went home to take a camera and when I came back - there was no turtle anywhere! And we always think that turtles are very slow - mine was not!
And still I have some more pictures from the garden, look who visited us tonight:

She was not alone, there was a baby raccoon with her! Look how shy it is!

Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are always appreciated!
Happy stitching to everyone!
Оль! Ягодные дизайны - просто чудесные! И фото !
Семплер , молодец шьешь, а я отложила, хоть и хочется повышивать. :)
Comme j'aime tes photos ! Il n'y a pas ce genre d'animaux en France...
Bravo pour tes fraises, elles sont très belles.
I've made strawberry jam, wanna swap ? lol
those raccoons look so qute !
my mom often has squirrels in her garden ; http://genietenindevut.blogspot.com/2009/06/blog-post.html
Olga, you never cease to amaze me! Look at the lovely trim you have added to the towel. I never would have thought it was a store bought towel to begin with! Your strawberry designs have such lovely colors that I'm sure your kitchen and dining room look fantastic :o)
A turtle! Yes, believe it or not, they are fast! I used to have a pet one. Never thought they were until then. LOL!
Adorable pictures of the raccoons :o)
I love strawberries, and yours are beautiful! Your Mary Wigham sampler is coming along nicely. I hope to stitch this one day too. The raccoons are so cute! Have a wonderful weekend!
Great progress on MW!
Love your strawberry set!
Lovely towel, I would never want to use it. The racoons are so sweet looking.
Olga, you are so talented!
Those raccoons in the tree are so cute!!!
I so love your strawberries items, Olga, they are so fresh and delightful.
Your raccoons are SOOOOOOO cute !!!
Have a great day. XXX
Olga, I wish I had some free time because I LOVE your strawberry towels and jar covers!! I have always loved gingham and lace and your finishes are perfect!!
Great pics....especially the raccoons:) How sweet of you to give the turtle food and water! You gave him his energy back so he could walk faster;)
Оленька! Сколько красоты у тебя тут!!!! Как мне нравится этот клубничный набор! И MW продвину3лся! Молодец!!
А чьи это глазки там такие смишные в дереве торчат? :)))))))
Les fraises sont très jolies
et les ratons laveurs sont trop mignons !
Je t'embrasse et te souhaite une belle soirée
Dear Olga, you have so much talent ! I love to see your Mary Wigham , and the racoons are very cute, and funy animals, no chance to found one here in Paris..
Have a wonderful summer..
Thank you for your visit.
I like your blog....and vegetables and fruits....
Your stitchs are fabulous...
abraços de Maria Filomena
Lovely stitching! Love your pictures of the raccoons!
Awwwww, those raccoons are so cute. What a nice moment to capture.
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