Here is "Spring" Pinkeep:

Its pattern can also be finished into a pincushion or an ornament or a framed picture.
"Spring" Berlingot:

I wanted to make a berlingot a long time ago but I did not like the look of its back, I tried to sew it up in a new way and like the back much better now:

"Spring" Scissor Fob finishes the set now but some more designs from this collection will follow:

If you are interested in buying any of my designs, please contact me. My e-mail is in my Profile.
Last November I joined Christmas SAL which was initiated and organized by Yoyo . I liked the idea to stitch something from the stash and set myself a task to finish "Gracious Era" from Dimensions by December this year. I started stitching it in January and this is where I am now:

I must also report on another SAL organized by Yoyo - TUSAL:

My box is almost empty, it's not because I stitched so little. It is because I gave my snippets to wrens who are building nests now. They are so hard working birds and I love to watch them!
Since I posted last I have been awarded Beautiful Blogger Award by
Carol , Michelle, Jules (Julie) and Sunshine Award by Jules (Julie)again. Thank you very much dear ladies, it's a great honor to get awards from you. As I got 4 awards I can nominate about 50 bloggers, right? It's not hard to do. On the right hand side I have a list of my favorite Blogs and I am passing the awards to all of you - you have deserved it! Your blogs are a great course of inspiration for me.
And to finish this post I've got some pictures from my garden.
Firstly, I wanted to show you a picture of a four-petal shamrock. I noticed it while weeding a flower bed. Does this mean that I am lucky or that I must weed my flower beds more often?

Some wild spring flowers for you

Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog - I appreciate this.
Happy stitching to everyone!