On the stitching front I have a few finishes to show to you.
First goes a biscornu which I called "Elegant In Blue".
A slightly asymmetrical intricate design makes the biscornu corners look different. A few beads and pins embellish the biscornu so nicely.
I really love the result: the biscornu looks pretty and elegant.
The next design is "Sunflower" Scissor Stand, which is a little addition to "Sunflower" Collection. The stitched band decorates the wood reel and can also be used for parking needles.
I did not feel good in August, you can't do too much while you have to stay in bed. I read a few novels and was making pincushions: you never have enough pincushions! The Girly Pincushions I created look great on my stitching table and as well as on the dressing table if I forget them there. Now I am working on one more pincushion in this style, I will show it in the next post.
If you are interested in buying my designs, please contact me. My e-mail is in my Profile.
* * * * * * * *
You are probably wondering if I finished my Windmill. I did, long ago! Long enough before my husband's birthday. We bought a frame for it and my husband wants to make a mat himself but he hasn't decided on its color yet. So here is the windmill with my new landscape.
And some detail:I "planted" some tiny flowers in the most modest colors around the windmill and was allowed to leave them there. ;-)
"Gracious Era" is also almost finished : now I am working on the Back Stitches. I need a couple of days more to finish them and to make a snow storm with French Knots.
* * * * * *
On another note... If I ask you if you know what Easter Bunny is. You will, of course, say that it is the character... but I am speaking of other bunnies. These are the bunnies which appear in your yard a little after Easter. You know, people buy a bunny for their kids for fun but after the holiday nobody wants to take care of it and people let the bunny go. You must have heard such stories too.
A little after Easter there appeared a little black and white rabbit in our back yard. We worried about the little creature because we have hawks and owls in our back yard and the rabbit's coat is so well seen from a long distance. Very soon "our" rabbit brought a friend to our yard and they began to eat my plants and brake flowers in beds. I "arrested" the little fellows and put them into a pen till we found a good family to adopt them. Before we found such a family "our" rabbit gave birth to babies.
That is when all my trouble began. Mother-rabbit was a baby herself and she had not gotten enough food and water during her pregnancy so her babies were born very weak and one by one she refused to feed the little ones. I had to become a baby-rabbits sitter and a nurse. Believe me, it was a heart breaking experience to see the babies gone... And that was when I really got sick because of all the stress...
But I have some pictures for you to show. These are my sweet survivors:
They are about 2 months old. The rabbit on the other side of the pen is not the mother - she never comes close to babies. That is Daddy-rabbit, he likes to watch his babies.

* * * * * *
I also want to show you a little gift I got from my dear friend Mylene.
She knows how to make your day! Mylene, thank you so much for the gift, it is so pretty, I just love it!
A few pictures from my garden - enjoy!
Thank you for visiting my blog and staying with me. I enjoy reading your comments and do appreciate your time and effort to do this.
Tonight I am going to visit your blogs - I've missed this a lot!
Happy stitching!
Beautiful pictures & definitely a lovely gift from Mylene. Your additions to your designs are wonderful :)We are soooo glad you are back.
Great job with the bunnies - They are definitely cuties !!!
Take Care
Qué hermosa combinación de colores en el biscornu!, me gustó mucho.
los demás accesorios son bellisimos.
Excelente trabajo, como siempre.
glad to see you back.
Beautiful work, as always. I love the 'Elegant in Blue'
Well done caring for the Bunny Rabbits and being step-mum-Rabbit. They look gorgeous.
And what a lovely garden you have.
Hello Olga ! It is such pleasure to read about you and your new stitching ! The biscornu is wonderful and definitly elegant ...
A lot to see. I love the things you made. The biscornu is beautiful.
Beautiful stitching Olga, I especially love your pincushions, they are gorgeous! Your gift from Mylene is lovely too!
How lucky was Mother rabbit to find a home in your garden, with you to care for her and her babies! :o)
Your designs are beautiful as always.
Your windmill is gorgeous and Garacious Era is stunning. Looking forward to seeing this one finished :)
Awww cute bunnies!
Nice to see you posting. Your work is so beautiful as always. Love the asymmetric biscornu pattern and all the different pin cushion styles.
You are so good to care for the bunnies!
What lovely work--thanks for sharing! Your biscornu is one of the prettiest I've seen :)
Beautiful pieces, Just lovely.
it is so nice to here from you again !
your designs are so lovely, I love the blue, and the girly biscournu is so pretty, withe the lace.
I know I asked before, but I cannot find it, so I ask again, dis you do the dfferent landscape on the windmill yourself, ore did you use another chart ?
Rinus our pet rabbit sends his love to your little bunnies !
he says he´s to old for that, but hopes they will soon find a good home, and a nice garden to room free is, just as he has !
Those bunnies sure are cute, but I could never have one as a pet. I'll stick with the cat and maybe a doggie in a few years when I am on my own (fingers crossed, LOL).
It's soooo nice to see you back, even if sporadically for now. I am glad to know that you have almost completed "Gracious Era". It is gorgeous! I am about 4 sections away from completing my "Coming Home..." piece. And that windmill is fantastic!
Оль! Бискорню удалась! Очень красиво! И подсолнух, и мельница!!!
Оленька, сначала я дала волю чувствам по поводу новой встречи в твоём блоге - длила момент радости, интереса и восторга, и лишь сейчас молвлю слова - да всё они пред чувствами блекнут.
Трудно отвести взгляд от дизайна бискорню - сильно к душе.
И завершение вышивок, и они сами в готовом виде, дарят мне ощущение праздника! Получилось очень красиво!
Рассказ о кроликах меня потряс. Фотографии умиляют. Но для реальной жизни это другие последствия, и мне грустно.
Спасибо за фотокадры из твоего сада - я их воспринимаю как помощников моему воображению!
Удовольствия тебе и времени для любимых занятий!
Tes nouveaux modèles sont absolument ravissants, délicats et raffinés, de très belles créations !
mylene has sent a most adorable gift! very pretty, and im sure you will treasure it very much! .....absolutely luv your stitchng, your pincushions are just amazing! especially the strawberry ones!! ..i will have to save my pennies and buy your charts :o) .......and your bunnies are just georgous little things! :o)
luv from olga im the uk.
very nice pictures
best regards marylin
Everything is just gorgeous Olga! Elegant in Blue is stunning as are your Girly Pincushions! I love the windmill - I have always had a fascination for them - and your Christmas piece is beautiful. Love the bunnies and garden pictures too!
So glad to see you posting again Olga! I've missed you :o)
What a lovely Biscornu. It reminds me of cornflowers :o) As always you do lovely work and your latest finishes definitely show that. I don't envy you all those FN though :oS
I agree! Live bunnies are not Easter gifts :o( I'm sorry that you had such a thing handed to you but after looking at those pictures, it must make you smile :o) Hopefully you can find them good homes.
You are such a sweet, caring person to care for the bunnies. I don't understand people who buy animals--rabbits, cats, dogs, whatever--as presents and don't consider that they're purchasing a LIVING thing that needs care, and then they just let it loose. I'm so glad you were there for the bunnies. I'm sure the stress of caring for them and watching some die was very hard for you.
Beautiful stitching!
Beautiful finishes! Love Gracious Era epecialy Hope you are feeling better
Olga, these finishes are absolutely stunning and so so pretty! I love the fobs - ooooh they are so sweet with all the lace around them. Cute bunnies too. xx
It's always a pleasure to see you posting. You have some wonderful new designs. Elegant in Blue is really elegant, beautiful.
This little gift from Mylene is just adorable. She's such a generous person.
It certainly wasn't easy to care for the little bunnies. They are so sweet.
small kisses for you
have a good day
marylin france
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