Time flies... Yes, one month has passed since I first started blogging. It was not so easy for me to do it and I started my blog just because of my mistake or... thanks to my mistake, lol. I've learned much since that time and I hope brought my blog a little in order.
But I want to thank CinDC from http://pencilcrossings.blogspot.com/ for pushing me to work on my blog. I was ashamed that at the beginning she wrote more in my blog than I did.
I also want to thank all co-bloggers who stopped by and especially those who left some comments. I really appreciate this.
I try to visit those bloggers who left the messages here and I enjoy doing this. It is wonderful to feel that you are not alone, there are so many other cross stitchers, in so many countries! I saw amazingly beautiful works in every blog, they are like tutorials, like source of inspiration for me and everybody.
Welcome to my blog again and again, enjoy your visit and leave a message - possitive, negative , just short "Hi"- any if you can.
I am sorry but I can't show you pictures of the work that I am stitching now - it is for an exchange. But I will show you the pictures of the things which I made for St.Valentine's day last year.
In one of the old magazines I found this adorable design by Saifhon Borisuthibundit, it was recommended to make it into a cross stitch card, I made a little pillow:

And that is my own design, just scraps of cloth + some beads+ some buttons + some time = an ornament:

Very pretty !
Can't wait till you can show us what you're working on...! Good luck with it, whatever it is. I'm sure it'll be gorgeous.
I adore the little hearts you made yourself. How cute.
It was my first few comments that I received on my blog that made me think that maybe I should keep doing this. I'm glad I could help to similarly inspire you.
Best, C
Happy one month anniversary!!
All your Valentine finishes are lovely! That little cupid is so cute!!!
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