I have been designing for St.Valentine's Day and today I can show a new design called "The Lace Of Love" . I made it into a little pillow:
If you are interested in buying any of my designs, send me an e-mail please. My e-mail address is in my Profile. Thank you.
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If you remember I have already shown the dragon "Stretch" by T.Wentzler which I stitched for my husband but I have not shown what I made it into yet. My husband wanted a box, you know, men also need trinket boxes to keep their treasures, like coins, stamps, etc.
This pattern by Elizabeth's Designs I stitched about a year ago and could not decide what to finish it into. I made some substitutions and finished "Betsy's Butterfly" into a box which was presented to one of our friends.
I guess I've already answered the question by my post today. I like biscornus and I love designing them, there is a lot of Geometry in them. But I really love embellishing wood boxes.
I was designing and stitching biscornus to make a biscornu basket to decorate the dining room. Here is my basket:
I found some pictures of the boxes that I have not shown to you yet, I will include some of them into my next post. Today I want to finish the post by my first Daffodil and my favorite Pansies. Aren't they gorgeous?
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Erna for awarding my blog. Thank you ladies!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comments.
Happy stitching !
Олечка! "Кружева любви" восхитительны!Очень понравились все шкатулки, а корзинка с бискорню какая прелестная! Браво!!!
Woaw, you have been very busy, Olga! I LOVE your new Lace of Love design. It's stunning - so delicate and soft... It's gorgeous !!! Well done you !
Your boxes look superb too. You're so talented !!! Take care. Hugs XXX
Ton coussin est une vraie merveille, je l'aime beaucoup ! Et merci pour ces petites fleurs de printemps, on en a bien besoin.
Olga, como siempre BELLISIMOS tus bordados!!!, soy una gran fan tuya!!
Your finishes are so perfect. I wish I could do those boxes as neatly as you do.
Sorry Blogger is being so difficult. Hopefully it's just temporary.
Your designs are so pretty. I love the boxes. I often forget about using boxes to finish our designs.
And daffodils are my favorite flower. I just can hardly wait for them here!
Your Valentine's design is Gorgeous! And I love the finished box for your husband, you've done a fabulous job!
Every photo you have shared is so beautiful! I especially love your Valentine design!
Great job on the new design, i love it.
WOW! You finished those box perfectly!!
Beautiful flowers, they are early over there.
Прекрасный дизайн к Валентиновому дню получился - тёплый и нежный - и подушечка такая - ммм!!!
И идея с дракончиком на мужнину коробочку тоже великолепна! Долго думал, что вышить на коробочку с благовониями - а ведь вот она - прекрасная идея - Терезин дракончик!!!:-)
Всегда рад зайти в Ваш блог!
Что касается проблем с блогом - у меня такого не случалось, к счастью...
Absolutely beautiful Olga!!!! I love the green fabric you chose.
Your boxes are perfect! The knot you used with the dragon is the perfect touch :o)
GG! Flowers???? We're snowed in :oS
C'est magnifique !!!
Les teintes sont très belles
Je t'embrasse et te souhaite une belle journée
Congratulations, Olga for this lovely new pattern, it perfect for Valentine day.
I dont have to much problems, so far, with blogger, but I admit it takes me ages to write each post !
How many beauties you've done! Perfect:)
Your new design is beautiful Olga. I started stitching your Hearts and Snowflakes biscornu and I love it. I should have it finished soon.
The boxes are gorgeous.
Un lavoro più meraviglioso dell'altro!
Bravissima e complimenti
Congratulations,Your designs are so pretty.
kiss... Ilenia (Italy)
What beutifull things you make!
Olga, your new design is gorgeous!
Love your colors and fabric choice too! And the box you finished for your dh is so beautiful. Love the flowers:)
...I understand your problems, we have also technical problems: we are unable to change the banner colours! Anyway: your works are great, fine, delicate, gorgeous...and more!!
Hugs, Claudia
Casa cuori colori
Your Lace of Love is just beautiful! I love the lacy effect you've made.
nice pillow, and I love the boxes to !
I really like how you combine different types of stitching, really inspiring !
Lace of Love is elegant and beautiful!
I can't wait until there are flowers here! We still have a foot of snow here in Northern Indiana!
Wow! Wow! Wow! All of your finishes are simply stunning! Love your basket of biscornu's and you have inspired me to finish my box tops in a different way, thanks :)
Wonderful works, Olenka!
My favourite is the Lace of love! Simply beautiful!!
Who is the designer?
The designer of "The Lace of Love" is Olenka's Stitches" :-)
Thank you for the compliment.
Olenka, thanks for leaving your comment in my blog ... you did sooooo wonderful things again since my last visit - just wonderful, cant´t find other words :)
greetings from Austria
Сколько красоты!!! Комплименты!
I love your latest design - it's so pretty and just in time for Valentine's Day.
The box top you made is so beautifully stitched and finished.
You may not post to your blog often but when you do it is well worth the wait!
Some wonderful finishes.
Everything is so gorgeous! I adore both the box finishes!
I believe you have a gift for designing. Such pretty things you make ... & so neat too. I enjoy visiting your blog very much, thank you.
Congratulations, Olga!
Your works are better and better!!
I love all of them!!
I would like to tanks your words at my blog!!!
Your finishes are great! I should make a box like this some day also, because I would be able to put my cross stitching stuff etc... in it.
You have won another award. Please check my blog for details. Congrats
PS. It is the http://stitchingforacure.blogspot.com blog
very nice!!!perfect!hello Mauri
hello! thank you for your visit! I like your motto! we shall say 'to err is human, to persevere is diabolical "... good day to you! Mauri
Мало того, что я читала этот твой пост в и-нет кафе, так и ещё потеряла твой блог в своём Blog List :о((((. Думаю - Оленька мне комментарии пишет, а сама так давно ничего не вышивала: Пошла в блог к Нине и нашла там тебя. А тут ВАХ! Олечка, чудесные кружева, великолепно смотрится на небеленом льне. Очень-очень нежно. Ты большая умничка! И мужу такой подарок сделала, и коробочку романтичную оформила. Вот сколько всего! Извени потеряшку, я уже так привыкла к отсутствию компа, что по несколько дней могу не пользоваться им :о)
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