If you are interested in buying my designs, please, contact me.
My e-mail is in my Profile.
Now have a look at what I made for my husband for Father's Day. Not long ago my dear friend Mylene sent me Cross Stitcher # 212. When I was first browsing it I knew that one design was a must for me.

It is "Lighthouse" by Joan Elliott.
I enlarged it a little and added a boat and some-gulls. Now the picture sits on my husband's desk and reminds him that it is high time for us to go to the sea.
I enlarged it a little and added a boat and some-gulls. Now the picture sits on my husband's desk and reminds him that it is high time for us to go to the sea.

As you can see I am very much behind the main group, besides I do not have much free time. I decided to steadily stitch on the sampler when I find some time and at my own pace. I am stitching the sampler 1 x 1 on 26 count of unknown fabric ( got it in a grab bag) , the sampler is going to be less than 12" x 12". I reduced the number of floss colors and on my WIP it is seen that I started some motives just to see how well the colors go together. After I took the picture I frogged the stitching in white.
I 've got an award! Claudia from casa cuori colori (if you have not visited her blog yet, you must do it, Claudia and her friends are so creative!) is passing "From Russia with Love" award to me:

Hohla Bliss Dany Yoyo Lia. My heartest congratulations ladies!
I also want to thank you Mylene for this sweet card which we received just on the day of our wedding anniversary. It was such a pleasant surprise, Mylene, thank you!

Well, on a quite different note...
To celebrate our anniversary I was going to make a giveaway, another gift design. But when I was working on, I found out that my design which I dedicated to my Mother's 80-th birthday, a gift design for a limited time, was abused. Now I am too too much upset to think about giveaways... I will, probably, never want to make another "free" design.
Some pictures from the garden:

Happy stitching!
I love all kinds of berries too, but strawberries are so beautiful, aren't they? I love your framed picture. I am also very fond of lighthouses, and the one you stitched for your husband is so pretty.
Ohhhhhhh, strawberries are my favorites too! This is gorgeous! You husband must love his new picture it's wonderful too. Happy Anniversary as well.
I succumbed also. I ordered threads for Mary Wigham today, it will be my first Quaker Sampler and like you, I've always wanted one. So you will not be the "most" behind (LOL).
How lovely you are to give me this award, thank you so much! I will treasure it and pass it on.
Félicitations !
et merci de ta gentillesse
Je t'embrasse et te souhaite une belle journée
ну, Оленька, уж коль ты появишься в "эфире" так сразу со столькими новостями!!!! Это так здорово! Клубнички - прелесть. Не могу сказать, что это моя самая любимая ягода, но когда начинается клубничный сезон, мне просто необходимо запастись вареньем на зиму и скушать килограммчик-другой просто так :о). Очаровательный дизайн, ты большая умничка!
Oooh I love the stitching with the berries! Very lovely pinkeep too!!
Oh, what a lovely strawberry design. It looks great both ways: framed & finished as a pinkeep. And I'm so sorry to hear about your freebie :(
Oh I love your new collection, Olga. It looks so YUMMY !!!
Take care XXX
I love your new collection, I like all sort of berries !!
Congratulations for your award, and the start of the famous Mary Wigham quaker, it is such a lovely project..
The berries are gorgeous and your finishing really shows off the design.
Nice work on the lighthouse (Mylene is really a sweetie) and a great start on MW.
For someone who doesn't have a lot of time, you sure get a lot of stitching done!
Love your berries finishes! So pretty. Lighthouse is also pretty. I do love daisies - yours look great. Congrats on the award.
Love your Strawberries...a very sweet design and beautifully stitched and finished!
Congrats on your well-deserved award!
Hi dear Olga
I´m so happy with your visit at my blog and with the award!! You are great!!!
Tank you so much!!!
your brasilian friend
Какая клубника - глаз неоторвать! Как я ее люблю - а в вышивке особенно:)
Олечка! Какие клубнички!!! Вышивка получилась нежнейшая - очень нравится! Как все остальное!!!
Спасибо большое за награду - мне очень и очень приятно получить её от тебя!!!
All finishes looks great! You must have stitched the lighthouse pretty quick.
I so love to join in the Mary Wigham SAL but knowing we are away for some weeks it will be difficult to catch up. I love the colours you are using for the sampler.
Lovely flowers you have in your garden. sorry though over the freebie design.
Très jolie cette nouvelle "famille" j'aime beaucoup le pinkeep et le noeud du ruban
superbe les tableaux : celui avec les fraises et celui avec le phare
Amitiés de Malélé
Your new pieces are gorgeous Olga.So pretty.
Love your start Mary Wigham. Very pretty colours.
So sorry about your freebie.
Those strawberries look good enough to eat.
Your threads for the MW, the white notwithstanding, are marvelous! I'm still on the fence about starting this with all the other projects I have going, but with each WIP I see, I get closer and closer to toppling. I love Quakers, and this sampler is just too pretty.
Oh Olga! I'm so sorry about your design being taken! I read that on Yoyo's blog. Honestly, do people think no one will notice when they take from others?? Sending you (((hugs)))!!!
Your strawberry design is so fun and pretty! Love the pinkeep and the framed piece! Also love the lighthouse finish!!
Mary is progressing beautifully:) and I understand about not having a lot of time to stitch her...lol...it's ok, it is to be enjoyed::)
Such a pretty card from Mylene and Happy Anniversary to you and dh!!
Congrats on your awesome award:) and I LOVE your master gardener!! Too cute!
We agree about strawberries, they are really the queen of the berries! I eat strawberry with almost everything (chantilly, yogurt, cream, sugar...) and it is a nice ingredient for lots of desserts. At Valentine's day, here in Brazil (it is in June), I went to a restaurant and they were offering strawberry risoto! It was delicious! Strawberries are great!
Your strawberrie pinkeeper is so beautiful! The finishing (as ever, in everything you do!) is perfect and the chosen colors are very pretty.
So, you created designs with strawberries? Oh, God! That one I bought from you is still unfinished (I'm in so many SALs!). I do have to finish that, so I can buy some "fresh strawberries" from you. hihihi...
What a gorgeous gift you gave to your husband! He might be very proud of it. I loved the lightining house. It is very manly.
These samplers are so nice! Someday I'll try to stitch one. This one you have chosen have so many beautiful colors!
I went to Claudia's and you are right. She is really very creative.
Mylene had a delicate gesture sending you the cute anniversary card.
I am SO MUCH sorry about the abbuse to your creation. People should think before disrespect others creations and terms of use. Because some abuse, lots loose! Shame on them!
hihihi... I loved the hooster pic. Hen and hoosters are some of my favorite animals.
It was a pleasure to see so many beautiful things here. Everytime I come to your blog, I enjoy your text, your needlework and your photos. It is really a pleasure to know a little about your daily life, your tastes, your stitching.
Your new design is so sweet. I just love it. Really spring and summer galore.
wow olga you never cease to amaze me with your wonderful creations! luv the strawberries, and look forward to your biscornu, and happy anniversary!
lots of luv from olga (uk) :o)
Wunderschöne Sachen!
Ich freue mich schon auf Deine neuen Designs. :-)
Herzliche Grüße, Barbara
Your embroidery are so beautiful quite as your photos
nice works.
Mmmmmmmm... les belles fraises ! Ton billet sent l'été, j'aime beaucoup.
Пришла знакомиться :)
Клубнички очень аппетитные, прямо скушать захотелось. мммм...
The strawberry design is really pretty. You are so clever at designing; I'm sure you will come up with more brilliant ones soon... and I'm so sorry to hear about the abuse of your free design. Please don't let these people dampen your generosity. You know how much we appreciate your sharing with us.
Wow this is the first time I've visited your blog. You have a lot of beautiful finishes here. I really like your work.
what a delight to browse through your blog pages... so many nice embroideries and cute photos... congratulations...
Lovely! Who doesn't like strawberries ;o) Can't wait to see what else you add to this line.
I'm SO sorry to hear about your pattern being abused. It's a real shame. What are these people thinking?
Ah, you caught the Mary bug as well. I'm still trying to figure out my colors. LOL!
Beautiful designs as ever! xx
Congratulations for your blog ! All is very nice !!! I would like to buy :
"Hearts" sewing set, 10 items
Can you answer me on "contact" on my blog ?
Thank you very much !
Chantal ou Mamilou
I love all your stitching! Very beautiful. I especially like the wisteria :D
Your flower and bug pictures are gorgeous too :D
Hello, dear!
No, it's not hot here. But our Winter (we are in Winter) isn't so cold. We don't have snow here (well, only in just a few cities in the South of the country). I'd love to have snow here. But, even so, Winter and Fall are my favorites seasons.
I love your strawberries! I have collected several strawberries designs, which are waiting until I get the time to stitch them. Now you have inspired me to want to do them soon!
Your strawberries are so pretty. Gorgeous. And I love the lighthouse scenery.
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